Friday, February 24, 2006

It's over officially!!!

Last class....then last exam and finally last assignment submission.....and this brings an end to this academic life for getting the tag of an MBA (or shall I say PGDBM).

This entire term has been an extended holiday for most of us, with 2 subjects, minimal classes......but yeah, the official holiday begins now.

The scene gets repeated year after year. Last year, for IlluminatiX's newsletter, I had written the following piece in Jan.-Feb., which holds so true for our batch too.


Funny headline; isn’t it. Well, this is the favorite line of our great seniors right now. After the dream placements and hardly 2-3 electives in the VI term, they’ve become really vella. On this stage of self-actualization (Maslow must be wondering at the pace our seniors have attained that stage), there’s an ongoing quest to look for ways to kill time. So, it’s time for innovating new games like ‘I Haven’t A Clue’ (sounds interesting,right), watching 4 movies a day, pop quizzes and if nothing else than bugging winpop with ‘Whtzzzzzzzzppppppppp’ . And yeah one thing that they really enjoy is giving us strange looks when we poor souls attend 5 classes a day.

Well, every dog has its day.....

But yeah, amidst all this have also started parties, picnics and get-togethers to make these days memorable and more importantly to cherish the friendships that started and bloomed at this home away from home.


Now, people have started packing up. Some are going to explore the natural beauty in North-east, Uttaranchal, Goa, a few are going home.....and a small chunk is staying in hostel till Convo. Yours truly falls in the last category.

Looking for ways to make these last few days full of masti and suggestions ??

1 comment:

Santosh Jena said...

Hey, nice blog.
ur article reminds us our situation, we ppl even get placed and doing masti,movies,picnics and lots.....
Add me to ur blog,

santosh jena