What a society are we living in..where there is no respect for human life. Super wealthy people with power in their minds and law in their pocket don’t pause for a second before abusing, humiliating and if given a gun, shooting people from lower & middle class of society doing their duty!
The case of Jessica is still fresh in our minds and the movie depicted the struggle her family had to go through to get justice. And almost a decade later, things haven’t changed. Probably, the case is a mocking story and inspiration for the spoilt and politically connected children born with a silver spoon in their mouth.
This is shameful for the society. At a premiere toll booth, shouldn’t there be a database for every vehicle passing by, shouldn’t there be good CCTVs, couldn’t the vehicle be tracked and stopped there. Can the Police track the vehicle, the people? Can we send the case for a speedy trial, can we set an example by grossly punishing the culprits without getting entangled in corruption, without getting influenced by their fathers or Godfathers? Can we stand up for justice for a guy whose family might not have enough resources/ courage to fight with the system?
Another story running is that the Government proposes to ban people with criminal records from fighting elections. Is this an amazing revelation and not common sense to pass a bill with immediate effect to stop people with criminal records from fighting any level of Central/ State/ Municipal elections? And should it not be mandatory for a person already in power to step down from his position once he has a criminal case running against him? As bankers, we have stipulations that no person appearing as CIBIL defaulter can be appointed as Director in a company and a Director has to step down in case he is declared as defaulter anytime. As a society, does this rule not apply?
That day morning at Mumbai airport, there was a middle-aged arrogant man, who was shouting and abusing the security lady at the entrance for asking his name as his photo in ID card didn’t seem to match. He kept abusing her till her senior came. This guy couldn’t be in a hurry as he was taking the same flight as I was, which was an hour away. He was simply throwing his attitude at the people he looked down upon. It is people like him who resort to abusive language in a high security airport environment and who may cross all boundaries of civic behavior if given a gun at their own ‘addas’.
There are multiple threads leading to this problem – a society increasingly creating divide between haves and have nots, absolute power leading to absolute corruption, people lacking in civic sense and a lethargic judicial system which delays justice to the extent of denial.
It is time, we, as a society, raise our inner voice and be vocal about such irrational behavior, misuse of power, lethargic judicial system. It is high time we respect each other and punish/ boycott those who fall outside such acceptable behavior.
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